Classmate Registry

The "Classmates Registry" allows you to register with us. You can do so even if you will not be able to attend the reunion. It will help us update all information we have about you and will allow others to contact you by e-mail. The program is designed to do this without actually allowing anyone to see your e-mail address. This should protect you against unwanted e-mails or unethical people trying to expand their data bases.  Register today! Notice--you can even add a photo or two.  If you don't have a copy of your yearbook picture, we do and will add it for you.  Already registered just login and update any information needed.  

After that, scroll down and see who else has registered. You may possibly want to send an e-mail to an old friend.  To find, just type in their last name and click on  the "search" button see if they are registered.


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Roy Andersch

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 4

Mary Lou Belfi (Raab)

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2

Janet Belinski (Moore)

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Retired

Dolores Bertolino (Dougherty)

Then photo
Marital status: Widowed Children: 3
Occupation: Retired

Stanley Blaszczak

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3

Marie Bretschneider (McGlade)

Then photo
Marital status: Single again Children: 4
Occupation: Retired RN
Looking forward to getting together again.
Enjoyed our delayed 60th

Anthony Busch

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Retired

Dolores Castor (DeLorenzo)

Then photo

Josephine Cicali (Myers)

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3

Richard Ciotti

Then photo
Comment: I'll be there!

William Cleary

Then photo
Marital status: Married
Occupation: RETIRED

William D'Arcy

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 5
Occupation: Retired

John Day

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2

Frank DeMeo

Then photo
Marital status: Widowed Children: 2

Joan (Angel) DePalma - Ungerr

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Widowed

Joseph DiDio

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married

Robert Dillon

Then photo
Marital status: Married

Philip Doerle

Then photo
Marital status: Committed Relationship

Thomas Dolan

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2

Frances Doody (Philip)

Then photo
Marital status: Single again Children: 3